Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Lowepro Rezo TLZ10 Camera Bag

I've been so busy getting ready for Hawaii I haven't had any time to get out in the field and take pictures of birds. Luckily I'll have plenty of time on the plane to study up on using my camera.

I knew I really was going to need a water-resistant camera bag so I did some research online and then ended up getting the Lowepro Rezo TLZ10 Camera Bag at Staples.

I didn't have my camera with me but I have a pretty good idea of what size it is and all I really cared about was the water resistance since we'll be in a pretty wet climate. I already read in my manual that it's smart to protect it from condensation and moisture by keeping it in a Ziploc bag, which is what I did while birding in the winter.
I'll be sure to report how the bag and the Ziploc baggie method worked out. I hope I have some stellar pictures to post!!!

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