Thursday, August 23, 2007

Kauai Birds

I'm finally getting around to posting my final set of bird pictures from Hawaii! Ironically, these are some of the best ones I got, but I just haven't viewed the folder in so long I forgot.
White-rumped Shama:

Correction! This is not an Elepaio as I naively though- it's actually a Female White-rumped Shama:

Red-crested Cardinal:

These were all taken on the first part of the Kalalu Trail on the Na Pali Coast. We only had time for a day hike but it was definitely worth the trip to Kauai.

I'm not sure about the second bird and I'd really appreciate some feedback if anyone knows what it is. I've spent a lot of time with my Hawaii's Birds published by the Hawaiian Audubon Society but I still can't figure it out. I've been doing Google image searches, which have been pretty helpful but this bird just seems bigger than most of the forest birds I'm seeing the book.

As for the Red-crested Cardinal, those pictures are pretty exciting I think. We took those at the end of our hike when we were right up on cliff where most people stop to take panoramic pictures of the coast (like the one below). He was up in a tree and it was pretty cool that he didn't move at all, which helped us to take those great close shots. He kind of has a disdainful, angry look on his face, but I think that helps give the picture some personality.

Miscellaneous Kauai Pictures

Na Pali Coast:

Banana Spider (I'm pretty sure):

Orb Weaver Spider:


  1. Great pics! I want to go to Hawaii!! Really like your blog. If you get a chance you should answer my birding meme questions here --

  2. I'd love to take a visit out there!-It must be nice to see new birds like that!

  3. Sounds like a great time...I wish I knew the id on that bird. Nice photos!

  4. Hi,

    Just came here from 10,000 Birds clinic. The bird you have as an elepaio is actually a female White-rumped Shama.

  5. Thanks Clare! I'll update my post and tags right now.
