Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Mashpee Birdwatching

I was at my friend Chelsea's house on Sunday and was lucky to see some lively birds in her backyard. Her grandmother has one of those wire basket birdfeeders in the backyard that is actually pretty big and can feed a lot of birds at once. She had a lot chickadees, titmice and other small birds on there. One bird that I saw a lot of and I'm having trouble identifying is a small sparrow or finch with a red mark on its crown. I'm sure if I spend some more time with my Sibley Guide I can figure it out, but I'm anxious to get posts up so I'll come back to it later.

Another Mashpee sighting that was pretty exciting was an osprey. Osprey are pretty common on the Cape, and there are several nest perches within my town. I usually notice the mother up there with her chicks, but I've never really paid attention to one in flight, and certainly when there isn't a nest in sight. I saw what looked like a hawk with a white head flying above me while I was in Mashpee I believe (I only briefly stopped by my parents' house in Bourne so it must have been in Mashpee while I was at the beach). It was screeching, which should have been a big indicator what it was but again, I don't think about ospreys away from their nests. Anyway, I just looked it up and that's what I'm pretty sure it was. I need to get better about bringing my National Geographic log book and my Sibley Guide with me in the car so I can get better about recording locations and times.

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