Mallard Ducks:
Female Hooded Merganser:
Male Hooded Merganser:
Buffleheads (and apparently Hooded Mergansers! thanks Bennet for the correction) are so difficult to photograph! The contrast between the white and black, combined with the sunlight off the water seems to be more than the automatic settings on my camera can handle. Anyone have any tips?
And yes, thanks for the help in identifying this duck. I think I had seen buffleheads earlier when I first passed by the river (the white breast was very noticeable) so I just assumed these were too. That and I was so preoccupied with my 'mystery bird' I didn't even bother opening up my bird guide to that page in the diving ducks section. The bufflehead and Hooded Merganser are on the same page and the difference is very clear. Yet another clue should have been that my friend Dave mentions seeing these ducks and they should have been on my radar. But it's all part of the experience! I'm learning more and more each day.
Mute Swan:
Great Blue Heron:
Great pics! I think those Bufflehead are actually Hooded Mergansers though. I don't have any suggestions about how to solve the photo problem, your leagues ahead of me in that department. I'm still stuck on keeping the birds in focus!
ReplyDeleteThanks Bennet! There I go again 'blogging while not thinking'! If I had taken the time to just crack my bird guide I would have realized the difference. And that's a new species for me- I should have picked up on that and have been excited to put a name to it.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad it's a lifer for you! I'm sure everyone has mix-ups in bird ID. I know I have! And as for "blogging while not thinking" I've had a post up for a month with a picture of a mockingbird for a poem about a nightingale. I swear I read the poem, but for some reason when it came time to post I did an image search for the mocker. Go figure.