Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Indigo Bunting at Mt. Auburn Cemetery- Lifer!

I was so excited to see my first Indigo Bunting today. I quickly ran over to Mt. Auburn during lunch to take advantage of peak warbler season before it's over. I'm going to be in San Francisco for work all next week so I fear by the time I get back the birds will have moved on.

There were a lot of birders there today and of course lots of activity around the Dell. That's where I saw a flash of blue fly into the undergrowth at the edge of the water. None of the other birders with scopes set up were bothering to look at it. I'm assuming they had already seen it and were focusing on other more exciting birds- such as the pair of screech owls that have been reported at the Dell recently.

Here is where I first sighted him at the edge of the water. There was also a female cardinal there splashing around trying to cool off.

He then flew up into the bushes on top of the wall behind the Dell, where I got a better picture.

I was very pleased with the day! It's addicting though- I have to try and make time to get over there tomorrow and Friday as well.


  1. congrats, nice looking bird. I have yet to see one myself

  2. Congrats on the lifer! I am so envious you can go to Mt Auburn during lunch. I went there for my first time this past Sunday and it is absolutely gorgoues! There are so many birds its almost overwhelming!

  3. @Dan- thanks! I hope you get to see one- the blue was very vibrant. It was a great day.

  4. funny you should say that, saw a nonbreeding male in my back yard shortly after posting, see my blog for a pic hehe

  5. Indigo Bunting's a beautiful bird. I wish it were something I could find more often. Great that you were able to get to Mt.A for a while on a lunch break.

    And don't worry, we'll still have some good birds around when you get back!!

  6. @Dan- so glad to hear you saw one! I saw your pictures- they were great!

    @Christopher- Yes, I'll definitely be on the lookout for them from now on. It is convenient to be able to run over there during lunch. Thanks for easing my worries about missing birds. My memories of last spring are kind of hazy- I couldn't remember how long the warblers stuck around. I did go back to Mt. Auburn several times after Bird-a-thon though.

  7. Oh ..catching up on your cool you saw the Indigo bunting and you got your lifer! Oh and how was the birdathon?

  8. @Dawn- I was thrilled about the indigo bunting. And yes, Bird-a-thon was fun! How was yours?
