Wednesday, July 1, 2009

BwBTC Massachusetts Trip!

In this photo: Bev, Jeff, Pam (Christopher's wife), Christopher, and Steve

Back on June 13th Dawn Fine of Dawn's Bloggy Blog organized a Birders who Blog, Tweet and Chirp trip to coincide with her and Jeff's visit to Mass. Christopher from Picus Blog took the reigns and planned an exciting itinerary that included Plum Island, a Mississippi Kite nest in Southern New Hampshire, and another spot where sharp-tailed sparrows has been sighted.

I cannot possibly do the story justice, so if you are interested in a recap of the day please read Christopher's post since it is a very comprehensive one:

Many of the other Birders who Blog, Tweet, and Chirp wrote good recaps too so if you're interested in seeing additional pictures and points of view check out the links I've provided below. Please check out their blogs if you haven't already. I was surprised I wasn't already connected to everyone. It was a great experience meeting new local birders, and discovering new birding blogs.

Dawn & Jeff from Dawn's Bloggy Blog—Trip Recap: Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3
Bev from Behind the Bins
John from Birding Maine—Trip Recap
Sharon from A New England Life—Trip Recap
Janet from The Plover Warden Diaries—Trip Recap: Part 1, Part 2
Amanda from The Fledgling Birder—Trip Recap
Lauren (Lowie)from Worn Field Guide Blog—Trip Recap
Laura from The Interstitial Spaces—Trip Recap
Mark from Strack16 Blog—
Trip Recap
Dan from Nature Observances by Forestal—
Trip Recap
Andy from Andy's Lens—Trip Recap: Part 1, Part 2 (he met up with everyone, but got a flat and had to skip the trip onto the refuge so he could get it fixed)

Here are my pictures from the day.

Purple Martins:

Song Sparrows:
*Noisy* Red-winged Blackbird:



Great Egret:

Eastern Kingbird:

Willow Flycatcher:

Greater Yellowlegs:

I also have a bunch of sandpiper pictures but I'm terrible at ID-ing them. Steve from Shooting My Universe identified a White-rumped Sandpiper (I believe that was what he said he saw), but I was absolutely clueless. Here's a picture of the group we were looking at:

And finally, come pictures of the Mississippi Kite sitting on her nest:

Oh, and I couldn't resist this adorable muskrat (I actually ran into one on a trail behind my house a few days prior, which was the first time I had seen one on land):

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