Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Cooper's Hawk at Aspetuck Land Trust

I spent the 4th in Fairfield, CT with my boyfriend Steve's family. On Saturday we went for a walk with his mom and dog Toby to Aspetuck Land Trust in Easton, CT. Aspetuck is a really great spot- we usually go there whenever we're in Fairfield.

(I believe this is a Cooper's Hawk because of the white spots on its back.) *UPDATE: Thank you to Chris from Tails of Birding for sharing this helpful insight. He believes this is actually a Broad-winged Hawk because "Tail is short, beak appears dark, eye appears dark, and a brownish hood - all suggest a broadie. Cooper's would have a long, banded tail, lighter eye (if juvie - red if adult) and bigger head." Thank you Chris!

I didn't see any other interesting birds during the trip, just the usual suspects.

I did get some great nature photos though.


Water snake:

Water spider:

And some wildflowers (using the macro feature on my camera):

Orange Butterfly Weed (thanks to Kelly from Red and the Peanut for the ID on this!)

Sunset from Steve's parents' yard:

(This is for you Meg!) Here's Steve's family dog Toby. I actually have a picture of him at Aspetuck Land Trust, but not on this computer...


  1. Cool! I've never seen a newt swimming in water. I'd like to see one. The Orange Butterfly Weed is very pretty...

  2. I hesitate to question your hawk ID, because I find perching hawks often more difficult than those on the wing - but - I think your hawk is a Broad-winged, not Cooper's. Tail is short, beak appears dark, eye appears dark, and a brownish hood - all suggest a broadie. Cooper's would have a long, banded tail, lighter eye (if juvie - red if adult) and bigger head. But I'm willing to discuss the ID with you and others.

  3. i want to see toby!!! any pics of him? :)

  4. @Kelly- Thanks for the ID on the orange flower!

    @Chris- Thanks for your expert insight! I'm terrible with hawks. I know RTHs and that's about it. I'll update the copy of my post to let my readers know.

    @Meg- I'll see what I can do :)

  5. Great pics..ohhh that sunset!
    Isn't it nice to have all these great birders..bloggers to help with ID..
    That pup is adorable..
    Take Care!
    Till we meet again!

  6. @Dawn- Thanks for the kind words. I'm grateful for my BwBTC friends every day :) They've helped me learn so much about birding! Hope you and Jeff are doing well- happy travels!

  7. Hi!
    Great Pics, are these from Trout Brook Valley preserve? I'm ALT webmaster (and board member) can I post your pic to our site?


    Chris Thomas

  8. reat pics, I'm webmaster for ALT,
    can we use these on our site?
    Chris Thomas

  9. @Chris Thomas- Thanks! Sure- you can use them on the Aspetuck site. They're actually from the Pond View and Island Pond Preserve areas in Easton. Let me know if you need any more information.
