Sunday, January 24, 2010

South Shore Bird Club- I'm a Member!

On the advice of my neighbor John (Bird Man of Bridgewater) I recently joined the South Shore Bird Club. I attended their annual member's dinner last night, held in Norwell.

It was a lot of fun to meet other South Shore birders, and it was certainly inspiring to watch the slide shows of the pros.

There was a short presentation from Joan Walsh, Coordinator of the Massachusetts Breeding Bird Atlas 2, and I have to say her speech was motivating- I would love to participate and help them finish the breeding atlas. I'd definitely need to go out with a pro and have some coaching on how to look for breeding behavior, but the biggies (like if they're carrying sticks/nesting material, and obviously if you see them going back and forth to their nest) I think I've got down.

Has anyone participated in a breeding atlas before?


  1. Congratulations! Sounds exciting, interesting and informative! Have fun!

  2. Don't stop posting such articles. I love to read articles like that. BTW add some pics :)
