Sunday, May 9, 2010

White Throated Sparrow on Cape Cod

I really enjoy the White Throated Sparrow song. I recorded some audio of the white throated sparrow song back in November at our friend's farm in Connecticut. I hear them all the time now, especially early in the morning here in Bridgewater when I'm getting ready for work.

White throated sparrow photo:

The white throated sparrow range has them moving northward pretty soon it looks. They're winter residents here in Massachusetts, according to my Sibley Guide, meaning they'll soon be headed north to their summer territory in Canada it appears.


  1. That's a handsome one!The WT-Sparrow song would make a great alarm clock wake up call wouldn't it?

  2. @Dan- Thanks!

    @Larry- Thanks! I know, I love hearing the white throated warbler song, but not when it starts around 4:30am...We had some warm weather a few weeks back and I was sleeping with the window open, so yes they were my personal alarm clock :)

  3. I love these sparrows..We are usually in NC sooner when the White throateds are still here..Missed them this hoo

  4. that sparrow is funny looking with its white "beard" - nice photos!

  5. @Dawn- what a shame! But I'm sure you made up for it by seeing some other, awesome birds :) I need to catch up on your blog...

    @dream falcon- totally! It does look like a little beard. They're so cute.

  6. Thats it! When are we going Birding?! Great Blog by the way.


  7. A very pretty Sparrow indeed most of our Sparrows are quite dull in comparison

  8. @Pete- hey, anytime you want! I could use the motivation of birding with other people.

    @Philip- Agreed! Most are brown and difficult to distinguish. Luckily the White-throated has that white beard, and yellow "lores" (those markings by the eyes). They're on the very short list of sparrows that I can identify! ;)

  9. The White-throated Sparrow has my favorite sparrow song.
