Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Mallard Hybrid - Possible Domestic Duck?

These mallard hybrid pictures were taken at Scargo Lake in Dennis (on Cape Cod) during our vacation this past August. We were vacationing with our friends Dave and Meg, and I asked Dave what kind he thought they were since he's a hunter, wildlife biologist, and general expert on the subject of birds- especially ducks. He said they looked like a hybrid- probably mallard hybrid and domestic duck.

It's funny because these ducks just wouldn't learn- they kept coming in dangerously close to our rental house's dock, only to be chased off by Dave and Meg's dog Foster, who's a trained hunting dog. He had a lot of fun doing it each time though, so no harm no fowl :)

Just look at this precious boy- such a cutie!


  1. They don't look like mallards to me at all, but I read that most domestic ducks are mallard related. Those mallards are wild ones, for sure!

  2. Thanks for the feedback Sue! Your expertise is always welcomed :)

    I agree- they barely look like mallards, but I bet there must be some in there.
