Thursday, January 13, 2011

Charlestown Breachway Birding Trip with the BwBTC folks

Maybe it's the feet of snow we have on the ground that's got me reminiscing about warmer, sunnier times in New England. One fond memory I have is the 2nd annual BwBTC New England Trip. These trips are organized by Dawn of Dawn's Bloggy Blog. Last year we did some Plum Island birding, and this past August Dawn organized a trip in beautiful Rhode Island.

On-hand we had:

Jeff and Dawn @DawnFine on twitter/Dawns Bloggy Blog

Dan @Docforestal on twitter/ Nature Observances by Forestal

Larry from the Brownstone Birding blog

Cindy Cage from Living in Brooklyn and Longing for Maine

John (Tucker) from The Birdman of Bridgewater

Susan @natureframingham on twitter /The Nature of Framingham

Cindy @gemswinc on twitter

Bird List for Charlestown Breachway (thanks to Dawn for compiling):

Double-crested Cormorant

Great Blue Heron

Great Egret

Snowy Egret

Green Heron

Turkey Vulture


Cooper's Hawk

Red-tailed Hawk

Black-bellied Plover

Semipalmated Plover

Piping Plover

Spotted Sandpiper

Greater Yellowlegs

Lesser Yellowlegs

Ruddy Turnstone


Semipalmated Sandpiper

Western Sandpiper

Least Sandpiper

White-rumped Sandpiper

Buff-breasted Sandpiper

Laughing Gull

Ring-billed Gull

Herring Gull

Great Black-backed Gull

Forster's Tern

Common Tern

Caspian Tern (this was an exciting lifer for me- they're huge!)

Here's are links to other BwBTC member wrap-ups of our morning Charlestown Breachway birding trip:

To any birder thinking about going to Charlestown Breachway- I highly recommend it. The drive there from Massachusetts was absolutely picturesque- especially once you get onto the winding roads along the Rhode Island coast. The morning sun reflecting off the water was beautiful. It made the early rise worth it :)

Dawn planned it perfectly with tides, and there were only a few points where we had to get wet crossing the channels. Luckily I wore quick-drying running shorts and just carried my camera above my head. Here are some pictures of the BwBTC crew mastering art of Charlestown Breachway channel crossings.

Cindy & Dawn:
Dawn, the other Cindy, Larry, John & Jeff:

Larry, Jeff & John:

John's sister and Dawn:

Here are some of the highlights from the Charlestown Breachway.

Great Black-backed Gull enjoying some breakfast:

Egrets in the trees:
Snowy Egret:
Black-bellied Plover:

This is one of my favs. I'm not 100% sure, but I'm going to so with Semipalmated Sandpiper:

There was a lot of debate over this bird. Some people thought it was a Baird's Sandpiper (I believe one was spotted on the Breachway earlier in the day), but in the end I think we decided it was a Juvenile Sanderling:

Dawn has this one tagged as a Least Sandpiper- I'll take her word on it!

I have more Charlestown Breachway shorebird pictures to share...let's see if I can get motivated to write yet another post.


  1. Great post! Looking through the photos, I believe your photo of a Great Egret actually has all of the field marks of a Snowy Egret. Specifically, the dark bill with a hint of yellow at the base and the flashy yellow slippers at the end of the black legs.

  2. @Bennet- thanks! It's a long overdue post. Part of the reason why was because there were some birds I was unsure of. Thanks for setting me straight on the Snowy Egret (and for walking me through the markings). I'll update my post.
