Thursday, March 17, 2011

Fairy Wren and Pheasant Coucal from Australia

These pictures come thanks to my co-worker in Australia. He knew I was an avid birder and had a birding blog, so he shared two of his best photos with me.

The first is a Fairy Wren:

Interesting fact about Fairy Wrens (also known as the Superb Fairy-wren)- males often latch onto a predator's call to catch the attention of females. Pretty innovative! For more info:

The second is a Pheasant Coucal:

The Pheasant Coucal is a large cuckoo similar in shape to a pheasant, often seen in backyards. For more info:

Thank you Brad!


  1. You have some interesting birds. By its posture you know that the Fairy Wren is a wren, like the wrens in the US but more colorful.

  2. Howdee! Very cool birds there in Australia..nice of your friend to share those pics..
    Happy Birding to you!!
