Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Western Tanager and other Montana Birds

Western Tanager

 Cedar Waxwing

Brewer's Sparrow in the sage brush (I think...)
Brewer's Sparrow

Dark-eyed Junco

The Cedar Waxwing picture was also taken at the side of the nature preserve along Teton Park Road (Grand Teton National Park). The Brewer's Sparrow pictures were taken at while we were camping with some friends at Taylor Fork, near Big Sky. Sparrows are by nature tricky to identify (especially for me!) but I did my best to narrow down the list, and feel like it's a close  match.


  1. Nice photos of some familiar western birds - I've spent some time birding in southern California and your post makes me nostalgic for all of the "regulars" I used to run into during my walks in the foothills and mountains - California Towhee, Acorn Woodpeckers, Black Phoebe, etc. Thought you might be interested in some of the California posts on my blog, which you can view here:

    happy birding,
    Dan Levenson

  2. I love Western tanagers. Beautiful area
